21st Century Declaration of Independence
“We the American People.” The Gen Zers, Millennials, Gen Xers, and independent registered voters, who comprise the majority of the voting population in the United States of America, are sick and tired of where our country is headed. We say, “Enough is Enough.” That is why we are declaring our independence from the vicious and destructive political party system of the Republicans and the Democrats!
- We declare our independence from toxic, chaotic partisan politics!
- We declare our independence from gun violence and climate denialism!
- We declare our independence from gridlock, impasse, and government shutdowns!
- We declare our independence from political ineptitude, arrogance, and ignorance!
- We declare our independence from hate speech, anger, and conspiracy theories!
- We declare our independence from worthless, performative politicians!
- We declare our independence from always being worried and frightened!
- We declare our independence from partisan news outlets promoting propaganda!
- We declare our independence to access our right to self-determination, whether it is within our lives, our bodies, or our relationships!
For these reasons and many more, we are invoking a modified version of the provision within the original Declaration of Independence, which clearly states, “That whenever any Form of Government becomes so dysfunctional, toxic, and destructive to these ends, it is the Right of the People to peacefully rise and reset and restore our Constitutional Republic to its original founding values and design, and to institute a new independent, nonpartisan type of Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness best.
If you agree with this 21st Century Declaration of Independence and want to be a co-founder of this new 21st Century United States of America, join us and our movement by signing it, sharing it with your family and friends, and registering as an independent voter here.