Our 2024 Presidential Election Strategy to Save Democracy in America and the World!
Our Goal is to Achieve a Independent Multiracial,
Multicultural, Multigenerational Majority Rule!
Not Partisan Minority Rule!
The “Fight of the Century” strategy is based on a simple fact. Our political process led by the Republicans and Democrats is broken beyond repair. The government and our representatives no longer work for us. Gridlock, high levels of corruption, record breaking national debt, people and their children being killed in their schools and in the streets. Our youth and their generation are facing a bleak future, full of high levels of personal debt, gun violence, lack of economic advancement and the threat of climate change looming.
This is the reality that we have handed over to our youth and their generation. And on top of all of that there are two fights being waged on two different fronts that are highly linked. There is a domestic struggle here in America between democracy and authoritarianism and there is a geopolitical struggle globally between democracy and authoritarianism. A fight that we cannot afford to lose, because it is the fight for our democracy, rights and freedoms, and we need to be on the right side of both of these fights.
Presently there are people within the Republican party who are pushing for these authoritarian attempts to overturn elections in the United States, and are also the ones who are also providing excuses for Vladimir Putin and what he is doing to the Ukrainian nation. The time has come upon all of us to have to make a decision once and for all whether we are going to stand with democracy or dictatorships?
We find ourselves in this dire situation, because apparently neither the Republicans or the Democrats have shown the kind of independent nonpartisan leadership that is required in order to unite the people, to properly defend and protect our country and the future of our people, especially our youths, and our country’s security. Instead they have chosen to make every issue, elections, history, school boards, Covid 19, books, masks and even including life and death issues into partisan ones, in order to mobilize their bases to win elections.
That being the case, we think that it is time for a major overhaul and reset of our present political process and the way we elect our representatives and run our government. What we propose is a simple solution that will require the millions of open-minded Millennials, Gen Z, Gen X and independent registered voters, who make up the majority of the voting population to rise up, unite, and begin to work together in creating a better way forward, starting with the upcoming 2024 presidential election.
What we are asking is for these two groups of youths and independent registered voters to leave the two-party system, and become independent registered voters, and to build an alternative independent political process. This innovative approach will help create a vacuum within our political process that can immediately begin to be filled with independent registered voters, independent candidates and party representatives that are not happy with their party and are willing to switch their affiliation. Affording us another way forward with new independent representatives willing to work with others for the betterment of the American people. All of the people.
Below are the different scenarios that will play out, based on the level of determination and commitment from the Millennial’s, Gen Z, Gen X, and independent registered voters leading into the midterms:
The best case scenario would be the independent candidates and representatives winning the majority within the 2024 Congress and taking control outright.
Our main objective is to unite at the very least 100 million independent and open-minded and Millennial’s, Gen Z and Gen X and independent registered voters on the same page at the same time. To declare their independence from the two party system of the Republicans and the Democrats,in order to build an independent alternative solution. To leverage that momentum of millions of independent Americans coming together into political capital.
To use that capital immediately to recruit independent candidates to run for office, while also serving to convert enough representatives within the congress from both parties, who are not happy with their party’s direction to switch their party affiliation into becoming independent registered representatives. With the goal being to be able to win enough independent seats in the upcoming 2024 president election, as so they will hold the majority to be able to take control of the Congress outright, and immediately pass voting protection laws.
The second best scenario would be the Democrats winning the majority with the help of the Youth and independent Registered Voters.
The next best scenario would be that Democrats win the majority with the help of the Millennial’s, Gen Z, Gen X and the independents. Although we may agree with a lot of the things that the Democrats are doing and stand for, especially with the extreme left parts of their party. But at least they still believe in a multiracial and multicultural democracy that offers fair and free elections for everyone.
So if there are no independents running in the local, state or nation elections in your area, vote for the Democrats instead, as that they too can immediately pass voting protection laws.If enough independents win in the 2024 elections they can become a decisive factor and force to be reckon with moving forward.
The worst-case scenario would be the Republicans winning the majority again and continuing the chaos and division that is weakening and destroying our free and fair elections within our democracy.
Our last, and worst-case scenario is that the Republicans win the 2022 midterms as historically projected. That they take control of Congress and begin to shut down the January 6 commission and begin to with the assistance of the Republican state legislators and Republican leaning Supreme Court justices continue their systemic campaign of subverting, suppressing the rights of the Millennials, Gen Z, Gen X, of white, black, Asian, Hispanic and women communities’.
They will then, along with Trump’s “Big Lie” , continue to undermine the American people’s trust in their elections, government and democracy. Thus, if allowed, potentially could end up destroying our Constitutional-based democracy. They also would now be in a better position to enable Donald Trump’s rehabilitation tour, along with the rigging of the elections, that would ensure his return to the Whitehouse. This would be the worst outcome possible for our country and our children’s future at this moment and time, especially when so many of our rights and freedoms are already being threatened.
That is why there is no time to waste as the midterms are right around the corner and it is imperative that we get the word out that as a people and a country we are in the “Fight of the Century! A fight that we cannot afford to lose. We know that it will not be easy, but there is nothing as powerful as an idea whose time has come. That is why we need you to read our 5 Step Action Plan, support us financially, so that we can get the word out, and please share this information with your family and friends as if your life depended on it. Because in many ways it does.
Thank you and God bless America!